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About Us
Founded in 1988 as a non-profit Christian organization, our purpose is to teach the principles for Godly living found in scripture as taught by Jesus Christ.
Founders and Directors, John and Brenda Sweeney came to Meridian in 1985 to pastor a small nondenominational church. Both being ministers with powerful tesimonies of God's Grace, Mercy and Healing, felt moved of God to begin a place of outreach to hurting people from all walks of life.
The Lord has blessed their lives through the growth of the ministries. The Sweeney's have four children and seven grandchildren. Many lives have been touched through their family and the ministries of Victory Outreach.
The Sweeney's share the gospel and vision of the ministry at churches, groups and civic clubs,etc. To arrange a speaking event contact us 601-483-7501 or
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